Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Reporter is Stripped of Press Pass, then regains it through district court

Reporter Brian Karem, from Playboy magazine, recently had his White House press pass revoked. Reports say that after a verbal altercation with a Trump representative, his credentials were pulled. He was given a trial from the White House in order to have the pass reinstated. However, Mr. Karem claims that his due process during the trial was compromised. Accusations were made against the White House, that they're trial was more about him proving his innocence than them proving his guilt. He appealed this, and brought it to a federal district judge who sided with the reporter. The judge ruled that the need for "order" did not surmount Brian Karem's first amendment right to be present and be a part of the press. 

I am very encouraged to see how this was handled. While I feel the reporter was wronged by the White House, the judge upheld checks and balances and turned back to the Constitution for backing. This gives me a sense of hope that these issues, even if seemingly small, are still being taken care of. Because once the small issues start, the slippery slope never ends and the government just keeps taking. I feel it is very important that the individuals rights were upheld here. I feel the judge's ruling was spot on, he saw that the individual's right to speak and attend the press conferences should not be surpassed by the White House's attempt to maintain order. While I do not condone misconduct in any manner, especially in a professional setting such as the White House's press room, it is crucial to see that the lack of conformity does not eliminate this reporters ability to sit in for the purposes of the press.

Donald Brown - September 5th, 2019

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Eight Values of Free Speech

Discovery of Truth, Participation in Self Government, Stable Change, Individual Self Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Toler...