Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Roger's Diffusion of Innovations - Smart Homes

When you see a bell curve, often times you have horrific flashbacks to high school statistics class. You think of math, science, economics and really everything else before communications and media technology. However one of the prevalent theories within communications studies uses bell uses bell curves and can actually be applied to many fields, but communications first. Roger's Diffusion of Innovations or Ideas was published in 1962, making it one of the oldest communications theories. The purpose of the theory is to explain how ideas or products diffuse or become more popular overtime. The theory states that during this time period there is a gradual growth which results in the adoption of an idea, behavior, or product. 

This product has been very prevalent in homes since the introduction of AI or Artificial Intelligence. Since being introduced into the marketplace AI has stormed many forms of technology. It is found in phones, laptops, fridges, vacuums, and now smart homes. Essentially they are in home assistants that aid with anything from planning a schedule to playing music in the house, all hands free. This product is very convent and makes some simple tasks of life much easier. This is why the initial product caught on. It was advertised as a life changing and time saving device that is useful for everything in situations you will deal with everyday. This reigns true today and is a reason as to why people have become early adopters and now the early majority. Many homes, apartments, and college dorms have them because they are fun, useful, and cost effective. This easily allows people to make the choice to purchase. 

There are some negatives to technology like this but also this specific application of it. It has been widely documented that these devices give people somewhat easy access into homes. There has been security scares with people who have these devices. Incidents of people hacking these devices have been documented and make many people very uneasy. I am not sure where the saturation point will occur with these devices because I have personally seen them in homes of many demographics - ages and races specifically. 

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