Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My Online Presence

Social media has become more and more prevalent with every passing day. Virtually every person has some sort of social media, may it be Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. There are even professional forms of social media such as LinkedIn that aid as a business form of communication and connection keeping. Regardless of type, social media is almost unavoidable in today's world. This can be both beneficial and a hindrance. Employers now check social media even prior to the interview process in order to slim down the candidate pool. This just one of the examples of how social media is drastically changing the world and people's lives in possibly negative ways.

With the concern of the harmful possibilities of social media that I learned about in this class, I looked at my social media. After browsing through my social media, I have not found any glaring issues with my social media pages. I have Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. None of them have any sensitive or controversial information on them. Even though I do feel that my content would be admissible by an employer, I have done parent check, I have been contemplating deleting Instagram and Twitter for personal security and privacy reasons. This class has opened my eyes to the dangers of Internet use especially with personal information.

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